You’re about to discover the single most important fact about testicular cancer that you (probably) didn’t know. That more than 96% of men who get testicular cancer will be cured.
And if every man reading this page were to follow our advice, then together we’d have the potential to boost the cure rate even more.
Now wouldn’t that be incredible?
Although most cancers get more common as you get older, testicular cancer is different. It’s most likely to happen when you’re young or middle aged.
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer of 25 to 45-year-old men (but it happens to younger and older guys too).
If you’re male and aged 15+, a simple monthly ball-check will give you the best chance of beating the disease should it ever happen to you.
See more information on how to do it, below:
Over 96% of men with testicular cancer in the UK are cured.
Survival rates for testicular cancer have risen every year since the 70s.
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer of men aged 15-45 in the UK. Rates of testicular cancer peak in the 25 to 34 age group.
Around 2,500 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer each year in the UK and of those approximately 240 are in the South West of England.
Testicular cancer is on the rise – twice as many British men get it now as they did in the mid-70s.
Men who had undescended testicle(s) as a baby have a higher risk of getting testicular cancer.
Being taller than average increases the risk.
Men with Hypospadias – an abnormality of the penis and urethra.
Men with low fertility.
Having a brother and/or father who has had testicular cancer.
We still don’t know what causes testicular cancer. Research is ongoing!
Testicular cancer can’t be caused by knocks or injuries to the balls (but if you get any kind of swelling or lump following an injury, you should still get your GP to check it out).
Having a vasectomy doesn’t mean you’re more likely to get testicular cancer.
Testicular cancer isn’t infectious and can’t be passed on to other people.
Join the winning team in the battle against testicular cancer!
A few minutes once a month to check your balls – that’s all it takes. Thinking it’s a good idea is one thing, remembering to do it is another.
But we’re here to help…
Follow us on our social media channels and we’ll remind you on the 1st of the month.
You’ll be making a positive step towards protecting your health, raising the profile of ball-checking and helping others stay safer – all in one fell swoop
You can help us to raise awareness and save lives.
As you know our aims are Support Awareness Survival (SAS) so Bill Brand came up with the concept loosely based on SAS Who Dares Wins.
This campaign has been endorsed by Mark Billy Billingham MBE and the film made finalists at Charity Film Awards.
The award-winning Match Fit Campaign uses materials based on 7 ball sports to promote the importance of self-checking and saving lives.
We have packs for your club and also pitch banners too. If you would like a pack contact us.
Contact UsIt’s in the Bag are honoured to be twinned with sister charity in South Africa Love Your Nuts. In November 2020 we confirmed this partnership at The Testicular Ball with a live link to South Africa talking to Love Your Nuts founder and CEO, Torsten Koehler.
The whole concept was the idea of Volunteer Johnny Willder who used ‘What 3 Words’ to find where Support Awareness Survival was on the map and the rest is history.
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