It’s in the Bag work with the Bristol Testicular Cancer Service based at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS to provide information packs for all men in the South West of England diagnosed with Testicular Cancer.
Each pack has leaflets about the operation, what to expect, how the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) works, contact details of the Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth, Truro and Gloucester teams.
Germ Cell Nurses can arrange packs.
Contact Germ Cell NursesThis video focuses on the wait from operation to results and formal diagnosis and what will happen next. Some found this period of uncertainty intolerable and for those who had not had information given to them, it was even harder.
The wait from operation to results is expected to be around 4 weeks, which when you are worried feels like a long time.
The emotional side can be the hardest to cope with and some described it as being ‘the unknown’.
The wait for diagnosis and plan of treatment remains one of the hardest issues for men and their families to deal with. This is why It’s in the Bag supplies all men diagnosed in the South West of England with an information pack.
Testicular cancer (germ cell) is classed as a rare cancer and is treated at a specialist centre. There are only 13 NHS specialist centres in the UK, Bristol being one of them, which means that men often have to travel quite a distance to receive treatment and attend appointments and investigations.
Grant application forms are available in the following NHS hospitals: Bristol; Cheltenham; Exeter; Plymouth and Truro. There are other grants available to patients with more complex issues.
Please ask your medical team for details.
We provide those who are having Chemotherapy a Support Pack full of lots of goodies to help during that difficult time. It includes some It’s in the Bag treats and some things that our team have been told are useful during the sessions.
Get yours today! Ask your nurse or cancer support worker for details.
Have you been diagnosed with Testicular Cancer (Germ Cell) and fancy a chat? Our Support Facilitators are here to help.
Call: 0117 325 9686, press option one.
All our trained team have had a diagnosis of Testicular Cancer and can offer you some support. Sometimes it helps to speak to someone who has had the same and understands the issues you may have.
Contact UsSurvivor Toolkit Afternoon
The afternoon will include:
Partners will be treated to afternoon tea and a chat with our It’s in the Bag representatives.
RING 0117 325 9686 (PRESS OPTION 1) to book your place OR EMAIL